Fixed Wing Dunker Training
Fixed Wing Underwater Egress Training
The aim of this course is to provide trainees with the skills and knowledge required to effectively egress a ditched aircraft.
Rib Capsize & Casualty
Aim: The course will equip participants with the knowledge, skills and confidence to respond appropriately in the event of a RIB Capsize and enhance their survivability through proper use of emergency equipment and procedures.
Tanker Familiarisation
Advanced Powerboat Certificate
The aim of this course is to develop boat handling, seamanship, pilotage and navigation skills up to the standards required to drive a planning powerboat safely by day in all coastal waters and by night in coastal waters with which you are familiar.
Confined Space Training
Cresto Smartline X L3 Training
Lifeboat Familiarisation
Masters' Orals Preparation Course
This briefing describes the structure and content Masters' Orals Preparation Course that will assist candidates who wish to attend for oral seamanship examinations with the Irish Maritime Administration leading to the qualification of Master Unlimited (STCW II/2) Certificate of Competency.
Specialised Training for Oil Tankers STCW 95
5-day course is intended for Masters, Chief Engineers, Officers and all aboard oil tankers who have immediate responsibilities for cargo.