Updated Proficiency in Advanced Firefighting (Long) NMCI TS

In conforming to the provisions of STCW Convention Regulation 1/14, and section A-1/14, of the STCW Code, companies must ensure that seafarers assigned to any of their ships have received refresher and updating training as required by the convention.

Seafarers required to hold any of the certificates of proficiency listed below shall, every five years, provide evidence of having maintained the required standard of competence to undertake the tasks, duties and responsibilities.

Delegates who have kept their training up to date on board ship will be able to sign a self-declaration form enabling them to complete the Short Route Refresher Training (3days for all 5 courses). Those who have not kept their training up to date and are unable to sign a self-declaration form will have to complete the Long Route Refresher Training (5 days for all 5 courses).

· Short Route Refresher (3days for all 5 courses)
· Long Route Refresher (5days for all 5 courses)
Click here for the 2016 STCW Refresher Schedule.

We would advise that you consult with your company in relation to your training requirements as these are dependent on your roles and responsibilities in your current position.

If you have any further questions or queries please don't hesitate to contact us and we'll do our utmost to assist. We also offer STCW Refresher Training on a bespoke basis.

Telephone: + 353 21 4335609
Email: nmci.services@mtu.ie  

NMCI Training Services (NMCITS) does at all times act subject to our Standard Terms of Business, which are incorporated into all contracts to which we are a party.
For NMCITS Terms of Business Bespoke courses (Company bookings), please click here
For NMCITS Terms of Business Scheduled courses (Individual bookings), please click here

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Upcoming Course Dates
  • 06/03/2025
  • 16/05/2025
  • 08/08/2025
  • 13/11/2025

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Course Name:

Updated Proficiency in Advanced Firefighting (Long) NMCI TS

Course Price:


Short Description:

1 day course.
Under the new STCW 2010 requirements for training and certification, updated proficiency training will need to be undertaken in fire prevention and fire fighting every five years.

Full Description:

Under the STCW 2010 requirements for training and certification, holders of an advanced fire fighting certificate will require updated proficiency training in advanced fire fighting every five years.

In order to update your Proficiency in Advanced Fire Fighting training, one must also complete the updating training for Proficiency in Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting. The updating of FP&FF is required whether or not it was part of your original certificate training.

This full day course involves group work. The content is focused on controlling fire fighting operations on board ship, organising and training fire parties, fixed systems and fire investigations.

Please note: This course does not remove the obligation for holders to update their Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting Certificate every five years.



Prior to attending your upcoming STCW refresher training please CLICK HERE to read and ensure that you have the required pre-requisites. 

Please note, joining instructions are sent to all delegates in advance of training. If your company has made a booking on your behalf, joining instructions will be sent directly to the booker. These should be forwarded to you. If you do not receive your joining instructions at least 2 days in advance of the course, please contact our admin team.

Upcoming Course Dates:

  • Start Date: Thursday, 06 March 2025
  • Start Date: Friday, 16 May 2025
  • Start Date: Friday, 08 August 2025
  • Start Date: Thursday, 13 November 2025

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